Publications nationales

Building with an architect

Publication of Conseil national de l'Ordre des architectes - novembre 2011

Mis à jour le
9 novembre 2015
Couverture - Building with an architect


You and the architect

Accountable architecture and sustainable development _ p 3
The architect’s role _ p 4
Architect’s scope of services _ p4
Favour full services _ p 5
Who consults an architect? _ p 5
The architect as your advisor_ p 6
What guarantees does the architect provide ?_ p 7
Guarantee of skill _ p 7
Guarantee of ethics _ p 7
Contractual guarantee _ p 7
Professional guarantees _ p 8
When is the appointment of an architect a legal obligation ?_ p 9
How much does an architect charge ?_ p 10
Fee calculations _ p 10
Is an architect expensive for a private client ? _ p 11
Useful Addresses _ p 12

Documents à télécharger

Building with an architect
Publication novembre 2011
1.44 Mo
Mise à jour
Building with an architect